Cracking the Code – Meta’s Targeting Tango for Marketers!

Meta's recent announcement regarding changes to its ad targeting options has stirred discussions within the marketing community. With alterations set to take effect gradually until March 18, 2024, it's crucial for marketers to grasp the implications of these updates.

Here's a breakdown of what you need to know:

  • Streamlining the Toolbox: Imagine you have a toolbox filled with all sorts of gadgets and gizmos. Some of them you use all the time, while others just gather dust in the corner. That's kind of what Meta is doing with its ad targeting options. For example, they might be phasing out options like "Target people interested in gardening in New South Wales" because not many people actually use it, and it's too specific to make a big difference in a country as vast as Australia.
  • Minimal Impact on Advertisers: Worried that these changes will throw a wrench in your marketing plans? Fear not! Most advertisers won't even notice a difference. Let's say you run a small coffee shop and you usually target people in your local area who are interested in coffee. Even if Meta removes some of the more specific targeting options, you can still reach those same people using broader options like targeting people who live nearby.
  • A Shift Towards Broader Reach: Meta's move towards broader reach-based advertising is like casting a wider net. Instead of targeting a tiny niche audience, they're aiming to reach more people with your ads. For instance, let's say you sell handmade jewellery. Instead of just targeting women aged 25-35 who are interested in jewellery making, you might target a broader audience of women aged 18-45 who are interested in fashion and accessories.
  • Political and Propaganda Advertising Affected: If you're running political or propaganda ads, you might feel the pinch a bit more. These changes will make it harder to target specific groups of people with your messaging. Let's say you're running a campaign for a political candidate in Australia and you want to target people who are members of a certain political party in a specific region. If Meta removes the option to target members of that party, you'll have to find other ways to reach that audience.
  • Adapting to Industry Trends: Meta isn't the first to shake things up in the world of advertising, and they certainly won't be the last. As the industry evolves, so too must your marketing strategies. Just like how businesses have had to adapt to changes in technology and consumer behaviour in the past, they'll need to adapt to these changes too.
  • Looking Ahead: So what's next for Meta and its ad targeting policies? Who knows! One thing's for sure – the world of digital advertising is always changing, and it's up to us to keep up.

What do you think about this change? Do you think this was a smart move on Meta's behalf?

Author Bio

Michelle Trimble is a degree qualified marketing specialist who is passionate about breaking down the barriers business owners face when it comes to digital marketing!

After nearly 10 years working in the industry, Michelle decided to start Poppy Seed Media with the mission to provide more accessible marketing services.
Every business has the right to incredible marketing!

Michelle has provided marketing training to hundreds of individuals, working with businesses around the world to improve their overall strategies. Outside of the working world, Michelle is a mum to three young boys and loves any opportunity to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

If you would like to book a free discover session with Michelle, please reach out.


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